Recruitment of Lawyers

The aim of lawyers — legal support of the company’s activities and protection against risks of decisions made by management — require a responsible approach in recruitment professionals who would solve these issues. We work with high-level candidates and constantly strive to hire the specialist who is ideallymatches the client’s needs.

What kind of specialists in this area we recruit

We recruit lawyers of all levels and in any fields of law. Most commonly we are contacted for assistance in recruiting for the following positions:

– legal assistant;

– lawyer;

– lawyer assistant;

– secretary;

– head of the legal department;

– legal adviser;

– deputy director for legal affairs.

Which industries we recruit legal specialists for 

Our approach consists in an extensive analysis of the client’s business, which allows us to recruit the most suitable candidate for the needs of the company and competent in resolving legal issues in both in demandand rarer sectors:

• finance, banking sector;

• energy industry;

• manufacturers of electronic and mobile devices;

• small and medium IT business;

• mobile operators;

• large retail chains;

• and others.

The approximate salary level of specialists

The salary of a lawyer depends on the industry, work experience and knowledge of languages. This market is highly competitive; therefore, it is necessary to constantly improve and increase the professional level in order to be a specialist in demand. For competent lawyers who are constantly improving their professional level, jurisprudence is a sufficiently profitable occupation.

The peculiarities of recruitment

A distinctive feature of the lawyer labor market is an excess supply related to a large number of graduating specialists. For this reason, finding a professional in these conditions is a rather complicated and time-consuming quest. We take over the task of recruiting talented candidates using best practices of hiring first-class staff and help to close the position as soon as possible.

Recruitment of lawyers: languages

There are plenty of international companies in Belarus, therefore, more and more clients set for applicants a requirement of knowledge of language, not only English, but also other European and even Oriental. Professionals with knowledge of languages ​​have a higher income by default and there are relatively small amount. We have the resources to search for such candidates. In addition, our experts review applicant’s  qualifications and provide the results to the client.

The work steps of recruitment a specialist or “how we work”

We recruit lawyers according to the following algorithm:

    • in-depth consideration of business or client’s field of activity

    • profiling based on the needs of the client;

    • elaboration of applicants databases and compilation of a list of candidates (long list);

    • creating a resume of a potential employee with a description of positive features and recommendations for the full potential and motivation unleashing;

   • consultation of the customer during the meeting and interviewing the candidate (if necessary);

   • in case of successful hiring, further support of the employee.

Why us?

    • own highly professional team of employees with extensive experience;

    • the shortest time for closing positions due to our own database of applicants and cooperation with the best world recruiting companies;

    • accessible payment system and good prices, discounts for regular customers;

    • quality assurance of the performed work.

We are fully aware with the legal recruitment market and have access to the best legal vacancies. We provide impartial, individual and professional consultancy on the recruitment of candidates. Our recruitment specialists works as professionals consulting professionals.

Terms of recruitment and guarantees

We would like to make the process of closing a position simple and flawless for all parties. We recruitcandidates in optimal terms and at least in four times reduce the time that a client would spend on an independent recruitment. Literacy and professional competence are of primary importance to us, but it is also important that it was a pleasure to do business with us. The quality assurance is a free of charge recruitment of a new employee if the candidate we hired earlier has not passed the probation.

We’re Here to Help

If you contact us by the email we guarantee that you will receive a feedback from us within 2 (two) hours on any business day and within 6 (six) hours on any other day (holidays etc.).
+375 (29) 366 44 77